Yes after a very long absence from the blogging scene, this post is to indicate that I am still very much alive... and honestly I don't care if you greet that comment with groans or cheers...
well much has happened.. for one, today is the last day of the first half of semester 1... which means effectively, I have gone through 6 weeks of classes and should be chocked full of engineering knowledge... unfortunately, a close scrutiny of my brain last night proved otherwise... instead of technical concepts and mini blueprints, I find, to not much surprise, the following things in my head:
- steps for 2 new dances from IC
- lots of acronyms, some of which include PD, @XP, SLP, IC, R&R... the list goes on
- playback images of cool parties and cool people and cool sessions...
- vague images of how a typical Singaporean driver will (or not) survive in the streets of India
and that's just a small part of my head.. the other parts are trying to unclog themselves from the cold/flu/fever streak that occured in IC as well...
and in case you're lost, yeah I just got back from a near 2 weeks trip to India for AIESEC International Congress...
I have no way of describing the whole experience... just two words: Eye Opening
oh and some photos are up already.. mainly those of India sights... yeah I forgot to mention I went to the Taj Mahal!!! another Eye Opener.. check them out at this is a very random posting... complain all you like... more updates next time =)