I think this is the first year my pre Christmas days were so full...
1st, there was the pre-christmas party on 23rd Dec... yeah we counted down to Christmas eve... haha... it was an AIESEC gathering, small crowd and cosy potluck... lots of great conversations... and a great sharing session... you know... when you first join AIESEC, you talk to a lot of people but rarely do you get to really TALK to people about themselves and yourself.... so I'm really glad for the opportunity to do just that with the bunch of cool people... I don't really know how to describe that experience, but I am thankful to be able to know all of you much better, and also know myself even better... and I hope you managed to know me better despite me being not that super expressive... hahaha... that gathering was amusing also, because most of us only woke up at 12 noon... (only because some of us stayed up to chat till 8am.. so yeah imagine how much sharing there was)
anyhow, that was Christmas eve already and I got back in time to shower, check my email and head off for another gathering with my Junior College classmates for our annual gathering (I think this is the 5th or 6th year we have been doing this)... so that was another great gathering, considering I haven't seen most of them in half a year... and as expected, lots of updating, lots of gossiping, lots of talking nonsense, lots of chicken wings... AND another night of very little sleep! I think I slept for 2 hours while the rest totally didn't sleep... congratulations to the 10 mangoes for that achievement (and for not playing or mentioning Bridge at all)...
Although there wasn't much chance for sleeping in those 2 days, I thought it was entirely worth it... I find that I really value such occasions to be able to sit with people who you care about and who care about you and just share about anything that comes to mind... cos it's only with such sessions that we break that barrier between us and those around us, and really start the process of connecting as individuals..
I think somehow, we don't do that enough in life... the usual reason (or excuse) is that we are too busy I suppose... but a good chat doesn't need to take hours... it can take minutes, it can be virtual or physical... and it does such wonders in breaking that monotony of usual everyday routine and brightening up our days simply by allowing for that connection with another human being...
and you know what... that's what makes me feel alive, and grateful for being alive...