We spent 2 days in Cappadocia, which is about 11 hours south of Istanbul (Asian side) by bus... it took a while traveling and definitely wasn't that comfortable to be sleeping on the bus... but definitely a worthwhile trip to experience some amazing scenary and geology, all of which are unique to this part of Turkey due to the major volcanic activity in this area many many years back....
we visited underground cities, climbed hills, visited cave dwellings, hiked for 5km, went horse riding in fields and beside the river, learnt about geology, got sun-burnt and all in all had a really good time before the conference started...
Cappadocia for me was very special, partly because the sights in Istanbul weren't that new to me considering that I have been to Egypt.. of course the structures were still beautiful and the history of both countries is quite different... yet it no longer held that much of an awe factor... Cappadocia was all about returning to nature and exploring a part of history filled with persecution, fear and of course survival... it was more sporty, more natural and all in all a place to really feel... ALIVE...

Conical fairy chimneys, the highlight of Cappadocia. Volcanic eruptions led to layers of rocks of different nature, wind and rain eroded the softer parts away to form such unique structures.

you can clearly see the different rock layers from this photo. The pale rock at the bottom is soft as opposed to the harder and darker rock at the top of the mountain.

Mushroom fairy chimneys. This one with people in there just so you get a sense of size :)

Cities carved from stone by the Christians who lived in faith and fear of persecution

Beautifully painted interior of these cave churches

Town and nature.. hard to tell them apart here...

I have a photo like this from almost every country I have visited for an AIESEC conference... hahaha