Someone commented that the graduation robes make us look like wizards and witches from Harry Potter... I still have my robe... so perhaps will take one with a chopstick/make-do wand :)
Feels kind of cheated to spend 4 years of life working so hard to get this piece of paper... at least the transcript says "Completed the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (First Class) with a Minor in Business" oh well...
Congratulations to class of 2007... at last we are out of university!
Positive picture for the day!!!
Again accept my congratulations for first-class diploma and graduation. In harsh competitive environment like your country, this piece of paper has significant value, but it's only the beginning of the real world challenges. Good luck! and welcome to our world! :)))
off topic; Diana and Dei look even darker after spending time in cold countries like Russia and Ukraine! ;)
CONGRATS to my dear sista n boss!
It's ur treat now!
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