Sunday, December 17, 2006

Reflection on the past 2 weeks

It's hard to believe that we're already halfway through December and that 2006 is coming to an end... time really flies... especially with so much happening in the past 2 weeks: NLDS 2006!

I have to admit that I am still in a daze from the conference... so much happened... before the conference itself and during the conference itself... and with all that, I find it so hard to put down here my exact thoughts and feelings on everything...

what can I say? It was all in all a most amazing and humbling experience... A 1st for many things...

Good spread of speakers from different backgrounds at Developing Leaders Day... 1st time with this much external involvement

Simple but impactful programme at Gala Dinner where we celebrated our successes... 1st time with an official acknowledgement of AIESEC Singapore's collaboration with an external organisation (PAYM)...

Carefully planned flow of sessions, with a mix of delivering skills and @ knowledge
Good mix of sessions that encourage dialogue and sharing... 1st time with such diversity of delegates from countries, nationalities and backgrounds (50 international delegates!! another 1st!)

Superb hype over @ dances.. reviving the roll call and dancing culture... ubercool Faci Dance... 1st time in a while to see delegates and members ask for more dances...

Engagement and focus on addressing the issues in the world... 1st time with an Issue Based XP day, candid discussions and sharing on problems in the world... great energy and effort to come in as socially responsible and empowered @ers ready to make a difference...

A great hands-on practical session on marketing and bringing together all skills and knowledge from previous days... delegates marketed, networked, made partnerships, raised traineeships, learnt loads and had fun... a delegate from Taiwan who was so shy to speak at the meeting with the faci/company went in front of plenary and made a speech in English...
facilitators were impressed beyond words...

A most touching closing plenary.. with almost everyone shedding tears... hugs and love going around... everyone knowing that somehow they have grown as individuals after 4 days of NLDS... knowing that they have had a glimpse into the amazing diversity and network of @... knowing that we can make a difference in the lives of people around us... knowing that Everyday Starts Today...

An insight into the power of the human spirit... Singaporeans staying around Taiwanese delegates to help in translation if needed... delegates from Taiwan and Mainland China getting along and discussing about their countries... SIPO members from Indonesia helping delegates from Indonesia... facis and delegates speaking slower to make sure everyone can follow... international delegates having group huddles to capture their learnings... SIPO EBs stepping in to facilitate discussions without prior notice... delegates learning phrases in each other's languages... delegates walking around with translation dictionaries, so eager to learn and share and question...

All along in AIESEC, we talk about becoming change agents... sometimes along the way we get confused, demotivated, disillusioned.. where is the change? where is the impact? we question ourselves and we start to doubt...

I do not deny that at some points in my AIESEC life these 4 years, I have had my doubts... but I always come out sure again... and even more charged to go on...


Because if 100 delegates who have only been in AIESEC for 4 months on average,
who come from across more than 10 countries,
who come from different religions, beliefs and backgrounds,
who did not know each other ever beforehand,

can come together and at the end of 4 days,
become passionate youths who embrace diversity and yet celebrate uniqueness,
who are aware of the state of the world and are ready to bring in ideas and solutions,
who recognise that having fun is as much the process of learning,
who have such a level of self-awareness that they can approach others and say "Thank You for changing my life, thank you for the impact and experience"

Then I know for sure that these people will go far in life, in AIESEC... and that there will come a new generation of leaders who will bring that change and hope that the world needs...