Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Interesting Story...

Once upon a time, there was a young mouse. The mouse had been told since young by its parents that if it hears the sound of a cat mewing, it should hide to be safe. So of course, the young mouse strongly lived by this teaching.

One day, while out of its hole, the young mouse suddenly heard a cat mewing. It quickly ran back to its hold and hid for a while. After some time, the cat sounds disappeared and the mouse felt safe. Not too long after, the young mouse heard the sound of a dog barking.

Finally assured that it was safe, the young mouse left its hole... and was promptly caught by a cat...

Feeling extremely cheated, the young mouse asked the cat "I was so sure I heard a dog just now!"

The cat promptly replied "In these times, everyone needs to learn a second language to survive"

The End